Two Fruits Damper Crumble

I think I originally came across this recipe on an All For Adventure video and after trying it out for the first time one of my Foxbar Falls camping weekends, it quickly became a favourite desert damper. One thing I do differently to Jase’s recipe is the addition of lemonade which I think adds a bit more sweetness and fluffiness to the final product.

Damper Base Ingredients:

Two cups Self Raising Flower
Two eggs
1/2 Tablespoon Butter
Approx 300mm Lemonade
Approx 350-400g Two Fruits in Juice

Add all the ingredients together in a mixing bowl and mix well with a wooden spoon or similar utensil. Keep adding small amounts of flour or lemonade to the mix until you get the right consistency. I prefer to have a slightly more “wet” consistency which helps prevent it from drying out. 

You can either use a cake tin to place inside your camp oven or as I do, line the oven with aluminium foil. Either way, make sure you butter and then sprinkle a small amount of flour over the surface to prevent the damper from sticking, then pour the mixture in. 

This damper base can be used for any style of desert damper just by substituting the Two Fruits for any other sweet food. I’ve tried this with marshmallows and chocolate with great success. 

Crumble Ingredients: 

Shredded Coconut
Brown or Raw sugar
1/2 Tablespoon Butter

In a separate bowl, mix these ingredients using your fingers so that the butter joins it all together in little clumps. Once that is ready, spread it out over the top of the damper mixture. 

Once all that is done, place your camp oven on a small bed of coals and place more coals on the lid. Remembering that for the best results you want around two thirds of the heat coming from the top and one third from the bottom. Check the damper after around 15-20min by sticking a knife in the mixture to see if is still sticky or not.

I find my 4.5 quart cast iron camp oven usually takes around 20-25min to cook a damper properly but as with any fire or coal cooking, the times will always be a little flexible and depend on the size of your oven and how much heat it’s receiving. Something I often do is move the oven off the coals underneath after about 15min to avoid the bottom of the damper burning too much and just have the heat from the coals on the lid for the remainder of the time. 

Once you are happy with how well it’s cooked, let it sit for a few minutes to cool slightly before serving. My favourite way to eat this damper is with a serving of Foster Clark’s Long Life Vanilla Custard which is a staple of my camping pantry. You can also enjoy the leftovers the next morning for breakfast or morning tea by heating up the damper over the fire in a frypan and enjoy it with some melted butter. Yum! 

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